Homebuilt P-47 Thunderbolt Simulator

Homebuilt P-47 Thunderbolt Simulator | Frontline Videos

Patrice GANGLOFF / YouTube


Get inside this P-47 Thunderbolt cockpit and prepare to be mesmerized. I understand that not all simulators are created equal and this one proves it. Whether it’s the color scheme or the fact that it looks very realistic, I don’t know which one I’m more impressed with – probably both. But one thing’s for sure, I would love to try this one out. If I had this at home, I wouldn’t mind seeing the light of day ever again.

Fun Fact: The P-47 Thunderbolt appropriately nicknamed as ‘The Jug’ (or Juggernaut) was the heaviest single-engine fighter in World War 2. It participated in 546,000 combat sorties from March of 1943 to August 1945 and they served in every theater. It wasn’t as glamorous as the Mustang but it was remarkable all the same.

This home simulator is hands-down awesome. There’s just no other way to describe it. Now if I can have one in my living room, I’d be very happy and grateful. Check it out for yourself below.


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