F-22 Raptor Does A Loop On Its Axis Performing The Elusive Falling Leaf

F-22 Raptor Does A Loop On Its Axis Performing The Elusive Falling Leaf | Frontline Videos



Talk About Stability.

It’s no secret the F-22 Raptor is one of the most maneuverable, if not THE most maneuverable fighter aircraft in the world. A strong case could be made that fourth generation Sukhoi and MiG aircraft also have thrust vectoring and could do the same, but there’s really no way of telling which is better. One thing’s for sure though. The Raptor looks great when it does it.

Keep your eyes peeled on rudders and ailerons when the Raptor is in free fall. All those tiny movements are responsible for it falling the way it is.

This video was recorded by one of our favorite Youtube channels, namely, bogsurgranny. This U.K. based photographer/videographer captures some of the most exciting flying you can feast your eyes on. From Typhoons skipping fences to F-15s doing the Mach loop, this guy’s steady hand makes everything look great, this video included. 

According to his description, even he was flabbergasted when he saw this display. The pilot send the Raptor straight up into a vertical climb and then after exhausting his energy, looped it around its axis at the top and flattened the airframe. It then spun around like a falling leaf until hitting the thrusters and climbing again.

It’s really mesmerizing to see that. Let us know if you agree.


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